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240z out of timing?

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Hey guys thanks for all the suggestions! I'm currently waiting for new spark plug wires that I ordered to get here.. I noticed the ones on there were corroded on the spark plug side maybe from when I left them unplugged but still in the engine bay during rainy weather .. so I'm going to hold off anything until the wires come in I'm also going to purchase new NGK spark plugs aswell. I'm hoping that it is just these crappy spark plug wires giving me trouble considering I haven't changed em since I got the car :P As soon as I receive my wires and plugs ill install them and let you guys know what happens.. Again thanks for all the help everyone! It is very much appreciated! :)

Edited by bowl of seeds
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A bad mechanical fuel pump can allow fuel into the oil. Typically, a bad diaphragm will allow fuel to into the engine and it will also leak out of the vent hole on teh side of the fuel pump. Look for evidence of a fuel leak on and around the fuel pump.


If one of the carburetors is flooding some of the fuel can get past the rings and into the oil. You would likely also see fuel running out from the carbs into the air box, onto the engine, and so on.


Since you have been having so much trouble getting the engine to run it could be that some of the fuel (that should be there) has run past the rings since it is not being burned. At this point don't worry about it unless the oil level is too high. Get the car running and then change the oil.

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the lagged reply, I have some great news! I got the car to start using the electronic dizzy!

Turns out it wasn't a timing issue.. the spark plug wires were creating a weak spark and the carbs were running so rich they would completely down out the engine. I replaced the wires as soon as I received them and leaned out the carbs, I also went ahead and did a complete oil change because the oil was so diluted with fuel. Now it it just a matter of adjusting my carbs once more and I will be doing so after rewatching the Z therapy video that was sent to me by a very generous member of these forums. I want to thank you all for your help, I am truly grateful. My z sure is coming along thanks to Hybrid Z's knowledgeable and helpful Community :) once again I thank you all keep an eye out for my future posts I'm sure there will be many :lol:


With much gratitude,


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  • 6 years later...

It is possible to rebuild the distributor mechanical advance (the weights on springs) and misaligh the internal distributor driveshaft 180 degrees from stock when you reassemble.  This can happen because the weights have two pins that stick through a rotor on the internal to distributor driveshaft-these pins are both the same diameter so you can assemble 180 degrees out of sink with the other driveshaft that powers both the oil pump and the distributor.  I confirmed this problem when I removed the valve cover, placed the camshaft lobes of the number 1 cylinder with both intake and exhaust closed and pulley timing mark at Top Dead Center and checked the #1 distributor cap position and found it was 180 degrees out of position.

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