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no power to fuel pump


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Ok so ive got a 1973 240z and its got the electrical fuel pump in the back that I guess primez the system to allowe the mechanical one to take over. Well im not getting power to the pump. I here clicks over in the relays on the passenger side. The inline fuse is good and everything seema plugged in. Someone had told me about a relay coil or something that could be bad. Im trying to figure out where that is. The haynes manual does not say and I cant get an answer from the other person. So if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome! Thanks. And ill keep looking around the site in the mean time.

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so i jumped the wires that this was plugged into and turned the key and the fuel pump worked. so this relay is bad and not working. heres a picture. and idk what to call it cause i know these cars dont have a fuel relay persay but this is defently a relay and controls the fuel.


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I tested that relay in the picture and it works. so i guess its something else. on another thread someone said about a coil. like a coil relay? however he has not responded after me asking what that it.


could someone please post a picture of this relay coil, and any advice is helpfull.



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