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Woohoo!!! It's alive....... FINALLY!

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Okay.. for anyone that had followed along with all the problems I was having with a '72 240 that I had bought and put an L28 into. Well I finally got the thing running (almost) right!!! After dealing with leftover residue in a gas tank that had sat for 13 years, giving me sticking valves, clogged fuel system and alllll KINDS of headaches, I finally got the gas tank cleaned and recoated. But oddly, the car still seemed to be running pretty bad and would seem fuel starved at about 30 mph, it would just refuse to accelerate any farther without massive backfiring, bogging and surging. So finally I broke down and tore the carbs apart, it turns out the grose jet in the rear float had loosened up tremendously and had almost come out, causing the float to sit WAY low, but also allowing fuel to leak past, so that it was constantly going between being too rich and too lean on the rear carb. Anyways, I didn't stop there, I tore them almost completely apart and put them back together following the Ztherapy procedures. Got everything cleaned and back together properly and BOOYAH the car runs SOOOO much better now. Starts right up, and has no more backfiring, dieseling, bogging or surging. The only problems now, which is because the carbs are old and the throttle shafts a little worn, is that the throttle shafts are binding... damn thing wont drop revs back down to idle unless I quickly floor and release the throttle. Also although I can get it close, I can't seem to tune them perfectly, as far as matching up airflows, for obvious reasons. Anyways, in the end it doesn't matter I only have to drive the car for one more week before my rebuilt Ztherapy carbs come anyways... but at least now I can drive it.. on the freeway even!!! And it PULLS like crazy! Feels very fast, much faster than the ZX that I pulled the motor out of. Only thing I gotta do now is get my wiring redone for my lights, and get the carpet kit installed, and I'm pretty much done. Well okay... I don't think anyone with a Z is EVER really done, and I do have lots of other little stuff, mostly cosmetic, that will still need to be done, but again, at least I'll be driving it in the meantime. Anyways, many thanks to everyone on this board who gave me tips!!! It's great to be driving again!

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