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HEI Module

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What would cause the mod to go bad?

I killed the first mod when I did not have a

ground cable hooked up.

Last night I was running the engine and the all of a sudden it stopped, I thought I ran out of gas, so I shut everything off and went into the house and called it a night.

Well today after work I went to the garage

put gas in the car and tried to start, turned over but not start.

I check the spark and had none at the plug, so I'm guessing it is another mod. These things are not cheap 40 bucks a shot.

Could it be something else? Is there away to check the mod to see if it is good or not?

Any help would be great, mybe I'm over looking something, but why would it run and then not.

I just dont know, still learning @40dy.


Thanks all


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Guest Frank280z

How about changing out the wiring and the condensor. The mod can be checked at most of these places. Once you find your problem; try MSDs mod. You won't get stopped at 4500... Only 20- more than the stock unit. I took out two coils when I started mine up. Never found the cause. Replaced the mod. Never happened again. Hope you find it. Frank

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Guest Anonymous

Is the rotor new? They're known for burning through the rivet, grounding on the module plate and it stops dead for no apparent reason... Just a thought..



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Well, burned the mod,condensor, the megneto in the distributor, me pissed. All cause I forgot the ground.

Replace the mod the condesor went bad, replaced the condesor and ran the engine for about ten minutes and the megneto went bad, at lease that is what I was told. Took the distributor out of my truck, which is new and put it in the car and it started right up, now my truck needs a dist.

I'm not a happy camper icon_sad.gif

I give up on running the engine for now, going to bend the brake lines and finish the wiring, this weekend. I need a BEER!

When in dought leave the garage drink a beer and watch a movie.

I just want to drive this money pit.

Thanks for listening


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