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im stupid, help me

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

yesterday i purchased a 74 260z that is not running, ive been looking through this site for some time in anticipation of the purchase but i still dont know much about cars, i was hoping you might be able to help. the car wont start, and the person i bought it from said perhaps the ignition coil is bad, and he also mentioned an ignition computer that only the 260's had. perhaps if you could tell me symptoms of various ignition problems it might help me sort things out. thanks

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The ignition module on my 260Z went out and it would not do anything at all until I replaced it. If that is the culprit, do not, under any circumstances, buy a new one. They are big bucks and not worth it. Your best bet is to replace it using a used unit from a junk yard 260Z or one you can purchase mail order from Z Barn or Z Parts.com. The coil is cheap to replace if it is the culprit.



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The first thing you need to do is locate (via internet or thru the next major parts/swap-n-shop Car Show) a factory Datsun Service Manual for for the specific year for your car....you can get the manual on CD from your local Nissan Dealer but they can get expensive.


The reason you want the factory service manual is that it gives "SPECIFIC" instructions for testing a 1) Wont Crank/Wont Start 2) Cranks But Wont Start 3) Cranks & Starts But Wont Stay Running type scenarios.


Even if you dont understand the process...familiarize yourself w/it & when you have questions ask them here or find you a local auto shop where one or more of their mechanics are willing to help you w/an occasional question; listen to their answer & thank them afterward (not only for their answer..but for their time!).


Dont go replacing parts until you know the part is bad...you'll know the part is bad because you've properly tested it.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest bang847

if the ignition module is bad wouldnt it be a great idea to replace it with a ignition box? all you need is a signal from the point or relunctor right? i mean a msd 6 or a crane hi6 is not that expensive compared to a underperforming stock ignition... oh my 240z had problems starting a while ago too.. it turned out i was getting no signal to my coil.. points were fine and stuff but the connectors to it had way too much resistance... go figure...

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