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Bad ignition switch???

Guest larkja

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Guest larkja

I was driving down the freeway last week when all of a sudden I lost all spark to the motor (like a fuse blew). I got a tow home - bummer - and started investigating (all fuses okay). The starter works and turns the motor. The battery is a full 12 volts (I have a meter). Power to the starter, alternator, and MSD ignition box. From the MSD, there is a white wire leading to the distributor that shows 12 volts also. (I have a Purlux electronic ignition module). After that, nothing.


There are two wires leading from the MSD - an orange and a black - going to the MSD coil. There is no power here.


I looked at the wiring diagram that came with the MSD (recently installed 3 weeks ago by my mechanic). It shows a red lead from the ignition switch to the distributor. I phoned my mechanic and he told me to start with the ignition switch. So I have pulled it out and ordered - not here yet.


Has anybody experienced this same problem? No spark to the coil, no spark to the plug wires, but the engine turns over.






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