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If You Are Serious About A GN Drivetrain!!!!!!


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Hey scottie long time no talk. My buddy has a chrystler conquest that he uses for a SPL car... bass in laymans terms. Hits 150s. Scary loud. Anyways, the car is a turd. looks nice but is just too slow. Its the turbo model but honestly i hate the FI setup etc.. I am SERIOUSLY considering swapping a GN drivetrane into that thing this summer. He owns an audio shop with a partner.


I think his car weighs in at almost 5000 pounds with all the audio equipment!! We have dumped alot of weight though. He used to have four train batteries in that damn thing!


Scottie, you think this could be a sucessful swap?? Any pointers or tips would be great. Im just bouncing this idea around in my head right now.


Evan icon_eek.gif

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I like the style of the car and after you strip out the stereo stuff, you will still be left with over 3000lbs. IOW, it is a heavy car to begin with. The car that bought the Corvette is putting it in s Starion to replace the 3.5L aluminum V-8 that is currently in it. I told him if he left the SBC basically stock, that was a mistake.


Obviously there is no kit so mounts would have to be fabbed but I will help in any way I can.

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The Starion bodystyle is sweet! Looks like a little Ty fighter! I had no idea they were that heavy though icon_eek.gif I don't often see them around any more but growing up I thought they were something else. Apparently th emotors left a bit to be desired and yeah the injection too. Heh, a GN motor makes most anything fast though I guess (lol). That would be a really cool swap, if you do it please keep us posted and take lot's of pics.


Hrm, pretty soon we'll need an odd-ball forum for all those strango' swaps that aren't Zs (lol).

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Jearod and I have been bouncing ideas around like mad for this car. It has REAL potential. I am not sure im ready to scrap the stock motor but the GN would just be toooo cool.


Scottie, the only thing thats NOT in the car are the train batteries. its built for car audio basically. Not a dragger, the idea is to be the guy with the wall behind the seats with six subs that flies past on a dragrace. icon_smile.gif


Thanks guys = Evan


PS... i didnt like the starion AT ALL before. Now i think its badass, its funny how you learn to love things icon_smile.gif

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