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gn question guys


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well as scottie and others know i have a chance to buy a gn motor for about 500 bucks with trans and computer wiring too.But the question is have any of you guys seen a fiat spyder with one in it?I bought a spyder for my mom as a present and it needs some motor work and trans work so i figured why not install a gn motor and trans?It will need the radiator right?and what else from the gn?

Too many projects not enuf time or money icon_mad.gif

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Oooohhh, I like that idea! icon_eek.gif Sounds like it would be a fun project. You don't have to use the radiator from the Buick. You can use whatever you want to use, just as long as it's capable of cooling the motor. As long as you have the choice of picking out the parts that you need from the GN, then grab EVERYTHING! You would not believe how much any of the pieces of a GN or Turbo Regal can go for, it's unreal. You can go to a swap meet or even go online and put, lets say a dash or bucket seats from these Buicks for an outrageous price, and believe it or not, someone will pay. With parts being discontinued and just the availability of parts being pretty bad (for a decent price that is), I say grab what you can. Wait, were you the one that had the chance to buy the motor out of a '85 or '86? Anyways, you will need the harness and computer. When you pull them, lay out the harness on the floor. Inspect it VERY carefully for cuts in the insulation and sniped wires, this will alleviate any headaches down the road. The way you spelled enough reminds me of my liscense plate that I have to take off of my Z, because I'm getting collector plates. My plate is HAD E NUF, it's either a statement or a question.



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It would be a very tight fit. If the funds are tight, you might not want to take this on or it might take forever. GN engines are torque monsters and it would twist that frame like a pretzel if the IRS did not disintegrate first. Plan on substantial frame stiffening and another beefier IRS. Do not want to discourage you but also do not want to see you get into something you might not be able to finish.


As for the GN engine, the only ones I would recommend are the intercooled 86-87 or Pontiac TTA.

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