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Ferrari Style Door Pulls


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The part numbers for the Ferrari style door pulls that many of the builders used is Honda part number 056120-9 or 83303-674-013.


BTW, I have copies of issues 2 & 3 of Terry Watson's "GTO Replica Register." Issue 2 has the blueprint for the mounting bracket. I used these on my car and, with some adjusting, they work quite well. Just make sure you can't lock the car from inside.


I'll reload my scanner software in the next couple of days and see if I can get the blueprint copied.


Some of the information in the GTO Replica Registry is a bit dated but much of it would still be usefull to owners/builders today. Maybe we should see if we could find issue number one (I think Terry turned everything over to John Washington), get them all scanned and post them on the web somewhere. What do you think? :rolleyes:

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Thanks Speedracer!


John Washington has all the original GTORR and has promised me a set when he digs it out. He has just sold his shop so stuff is a little hard to find.


When you get the data scanned in - I am happy to host if you need a spot.





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It looks like that doohicky replaces the stock door handle and the 'cylinder' goes through the steel into the doohicky. How are you supposed to lock the doors, using the original door locks? if you used something like the MG boot lock/pull, you disable the lock using the key.

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Guest Anonymous

tom Tom TOm TOM....As Tim 240 Z sez : "life is full of compromises" I would imagine if you used the inside OEM push lock and somehow got the door locked from the inside while you were outside. You would be on the outside for an unspecified long duration until "Slim Jim" arrived. Now you will be able to lock the Honda's push button and there fore lock the door from the outside.I am still trying to understand the intricate functioning of the "doohickey" and you are worried about "lock out theory" LOL!

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that doohicky is just a bellcrank that uses the Honda pushbutton cylinder to push on the one end of the lever (part B). This is connected through the 1/4" bolt as an axle to part C (which seems to be missing the hole for the pushrod), which is where your pushrod goes down to the door latch. Only problem is, my doorlock doesn't directly connect to a pushrod! It doesn't match the diagrams in my Haynes book. Instead the lock cylinder has an arm that goes into a slot connected to the pushrod. So I would first have to replace the whole doorlatch, probably, or at least the cylinder mechanism to the kind with the pushrod. :confused:


About getting locked out: Why not just go through the back door? Also, on my car, you have to lock the door from the outside using the key; more lockout protection.

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Guest Anonymous

All this bell crank business is making the space between my ears hurt. Something to ponder on a long winters eve. I cannot even get the doohickey diagram properly printed. I have not seen a package yet.The back door remedy escaped me. I have spent most of the morning under the car looking up and getting things backwards.And you almost had me talked in to this push button business!

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Did you get the pictures of the MG latches I sent? I think I'd like to work on the MG latch system for a while. I think it would be a better system because the mechanism attaches to the pushbutton mechanism, not the door, and the threaded part of the handle goes in far enough to put a sheet metal bracket on there too. You'd only need to flatten the door metal in the area of the handle to get the securist attachment.

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Ok - so who has a pic of this MG latch?


I saw the honda latches last week in SD on a VR and they looked good. The guy had disabled the locks from the inside so you had to use the key to lock it.


I've been looking at the diagram and trying to figure out how it works and it gives me a major headache.


Has anybody got those latches figured out yet smile.gif



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I thought you meant he totally disabled the doorlocks, which isn't a good thing. You need to lock the doors from the inside for safety while driving. The MG locks allow you to 'lock' the door from the outside by disabling the latch mechanism, which is just as good, or even better than the stock locks.


the secret of the MG locks is like the stock lock on the Zcar hatch- you put the key in, turn it one way& push to open, other way to lock.


Here's a link to some pictures I took of the MG lock.



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  • 1 year later...

I'm about ready to start putting the GTO body on my car, so I want to put the pushbutton doorhandles on first. I spent a day cutting up metal, but it didn't really look like what's in the picture. Got no welder, either.


So.... is there someplace I could order a set from, or could I contract with somebody to get a set with all the newest adjustments?

Talked to John Washingtom so far.



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Hi Tom,


I ended up giving up futzing with them and glassed over the handle area and put in solenoids. Not exactly what I wanted but I have gotten too busy with running another company I started and am cutting a few corners with the VR. :(


The good news is that my new 350 is in and running and the car is a rocket.


If you find anything - let me know - my car is a few weeks from getting sprayed so I could always back out and put them in.



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