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Wheel wells


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I'm back! Been sidetracked with selling the house and buying a new one. Anybody here in the Tampa / Bradenton area?


Back to the VR - anyone have ideas on how to finish the rear wheel well area? The doors and rear tub are lining up nicely but those wheel wells look like ^%$#@@


I have 2 ideas.


1. lay up some glass from the outside edge to the metal?


2. Rivet in some stainless to the existing well and extend it to the lip. I would have to extend the lip with glass and so I could rivet it in. The other problem is that the brake vent cutout screws this up.


Any suggestions are appreciated!





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Guest Anonymous

Teo my Stable/Blue Ray 250 GTO kit came with fiberglass inner fenders to be installed after body installation..I never was impressed with them since there was no "lip" behind the wheel arch to attach them to.Apparently the fiberglass inner fenders were to be bonded or glassed in with resin and glass/ or bondo hair. Your idea of extending the lip inside the fender is a good one. The Tomahawk kit has the inner "lip" extended with the use of thin wall tubing that appears to be steel gas line or ( 3/8 inch ?) bonded to the inside wheel well edge. Aluminum roll roof sheathing bridged the gap between the inner fender round steel tubing bead to the steel body.. The sheathing was either held in place by silicone,screws, or rivets or a combination of all. The aluminum sheathing was then sprayed with paintable black undercoationg.On my GTO kit, I plan to secure a temporary continious strip of electro galvanized roof sheathing to the radius inside of the wheel well opening with screws.A stright two inch strip of sheathing approximating the length of the wheel radius will be be bent in the middle to a 90 degree angle. One side of the angle will be snipped about every inch or less to the 90 degree bend which will allow the sheathing angle to be bent smoothly to conform to the semi circle inside of the wheel radius. The snipped edges can be screwed to the inner fender while the other edge can hang down to form a lip inside the fender to glass over with shreaded fiberglass mat and resin to the inside of the fender above the wheel radius opening. Once the lip is built up enough with fiber glass and cured the snipped sheathing and its curved lip can be completely removed which will leave a fiberglass lip bonded to the inside of the fender wheel well radius. This permanently attached fiberglass lip inside the fender well radius can be utilized to attach aluminum sheathing or the GTO fiberglass panels to with rivets or screws or silicone..Of course clearance must be allowed inside the fender between the tire and new fiberglass lip.

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