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Chassis Drawing

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It is done to cut down emailing them all over the place, and so everyone has acess to them. So we can all share them and add to parts and peices to it.


So go to this website below and click on frame.dwg




If you have drawings or adding anything to please email it to Jim and he will post it at the website for all to share.





PS Spotfitz I will email you a converted one to R14 format.

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Well if some people have Autocad and have never used 3d, I would encourage them to give it a shot. Do the tutorials in the help file, they actually are helpful who would have thought ??? :D:D The biggest hurdle to get around is orienting yourself in 3d space. There were quite a few times in the beggining that the line looked good, only to find in another view that it was way off in space.


So do the tutorials like twice before you even look at my drawing, important not to skip steps (tried it and it was just more confusing). Any questions just post them here.


I think it would be fun if everyone gave it a go, it makes fabricating and fitting parts so much easier. 8) 8)

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Guest TM240Z


Are you familiar with Inventor. Is an Autodesk program that is supposed to eventualy replace Mechanical Desktop. Everything is a solid. Very user friendly.

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Dude your from Saskatoon as well, I didn't even notice until now. Have to take the cars out to the Slalom Races. I have to finish my a couple of things up first. I am aware of inventor, I can't get my paws on it since it costs too much and you need some serious computer to run it when files get big. I really like some of the features of it, autocad can be a pain in the butt when revising solids !!!

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