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Lacquer paint..Guru's help needed!


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Howdy all.


I have decided to have a go at painting the z myself. I just wont be able to pay someone else for quite some time and have made good progress on the body work of late so the time draws near. I have a good compresser and gun. I dont have breathing eqiupment oter than the mask I use for orchard spraying. Renting a booth wont work for me. Way to far into town.


Anyway... After talking to a paint guy or two it would seem that lacquer paint will be the way to go. Lots of very thin coats and heaps of clear over the top. Does anyone here have any better ideas concidering the limitations? Can you add hardners to lacquer paint to get some of the better anti chipping that the newer paints offer. Any suggestions on what products to use. The car has aprears to have had a couple of paints already but its not worth it to me to bring it all the way back to the metal. I will try to sand back the second coat but it doesnt seem to be in bad condition. Just the wrong colour.


Thanks for the help.



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Thanks RacerX. Would I need and special equipment to spray the urethane. I dont really know where i can get hold of good breathing equipment. The stuff I have is really just a partical filter and doesnt really work with solvents. I have a few more questions but I will do some study first.





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