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Nissan Atsugi, coilovers?

Guest shortyz

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  marvo said:
Thanks for all the info so far guys very useful, I have added some photos showing one of the front struts in pieces. The markings are as follows NISSAN 54302N4051 6 X 06 AMPCO JAPAN





54302-N4051 is not a number I recognise for any of Nissan's 'Sports Option' front struts. I think it started out as a standard factory oil strut, and has been modified later in it's life......... so the original part number is now not relevant to what is inside it.


In fact, I strongly suspect that you have a set of LEDA-modified struts there. If they are the non-adjustable oil-filled ( not gas ) LEDAs then it would all make sense.


The small lower spring platforms ( for 2.25 inch dia. springs? ) and ( modified? ) standard-size upper spring mounts look aftermarket to me, and are just the kind of thing you had to do with the LEDAs. Most people ( inc. LEDA themselves ) just welded a suitably sized sleeve onto the underside of the upper 'hat' to locate inside the coil spring and keep it central. There were no Nissan 'Sports Option' struts that were like that.


Do you have any clue as to the history of them? Did they come on a road car that you bought?


I see you are based in the UK. I know that companies like Samuri Conversions, Fourways Engineering and A.C.T. used to farm out coilover conversions to LEDA, and I strongly suspect that this is what you have.


Bad news is that LEDA got into financial difficulties a little while back, but I believe that they were absorbed by a bigger company and are still trading in some form. They used to offer a re-con / refurb service, so you might try looking them up and e-mailing your photos to them. At the very least they might have some data and useful spares for you.


Good luck,


Alan T.

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Hi Alan, thanks for the info, I have found out that Leda still exist and are based in Ashbourne Derbyshire UK Phone 44 (0) 1335 348 880 Fax 44 (0) 1335 300 024, I will be contacting them to see if they can supply spares or perhaps overhaul them for me. I got these struts from a Z Club member in London who had them on his car originally but found them too hard a ride. He was not sure of their history.

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Yes, the new company bought all the assets of the old LEDA ( who were based in Essex ) and they can rebuild / refurb original LEDA products. I think it will be easier for you to send your struts to them rather than try to do it yourself.


I had a set of LEDA-modified struts ( looked just like yours ) on a street car some 10 years or so ago, and I must say that I found them far too stiff for the UK roads. They were fine on a race track, but useless on the street. I tried to find out what bump and rebound rates they had been built with, but LEDA could not tell me without the original order number. There was no ID on them to say what rates they had been built with.......


You might like to ask LEDA if they can re-valve them for you, with the emphasis on street use rather than track use. I think their default thinking around 10~20 years ago was that stiffer was better, but it's a bit harsh on a fairly lightweight 30-something year old bodyshell ( especially if you do not have a full cage ).

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