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Electric Side Mirrors on 280zx

Guest EnthuZiast

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Guest EnthuZiast

One of my mirrors functions a little off when I use the electric control. When I move the control left and right it works fine, but when I adjust it up, the mirror goes to the left and when I adjust down, the mirror goes to the right. I am not sure if the problem is the switch or the mirror itself. Any ideas on how to tell?





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Guest greimann

Mosty likely it is the switch. Try exercising the switch by moving it through its full range of movement, left right, up, down many times. Really wank it around, if you know what I mean :oops: The idea is to clean the clean the contacts on the switch and displace any dust to make it work right.

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Guest EnthuZiast

Could or should I try to clean the whole assembly? Or should Io think about replacing it? (I saw the assembly on Ebay for a few bucks. I just don't feel like wasting time/money on something I could fix easily.)


Thanks for the imput,


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