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Got free time, build high quality parts using free materials


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This is just a tip maybe for some of you out there with the desire to fabricate things but can't afford the tools or material. I am graduating this december with a degree in computer science from a highly engineering/manufacturing oriented university. Many of my friends are in the engineering/manufacturing field and thus I spend some time in the CNC/ machine shops visiting them. What I have noticed is the number of retirees, non degree seeking people in there.


After talking with them I thought I would pass on an idea.


If you live near a university with great machine/fabrication shops pay the few hundred dollars and take an entry level manufacturing class. Chances are you will have after hours access to the shop and can bulid whatever you want using the schools materials and equipment. Many of my friends take blueprints off people and manufacture custom car parts using CNC equipment and free high quality material from the school.


I took all the drawings from the JTR book and gave them to my friends little brother. He made them all on a CNC machine for a school project, they cost me nothing! He is willing to make any parts for me for free! Some of these guys can make incredible custom parts to high tolerances.


Anyways this is a long enough post, I was just thinking that maybe some you might be able to fork out a couple hundred for one class and save some money in the long run. And yes I do realize that universities aren't meant to supply people with free materials but students are often encouraged to use the facilites as much as possible.

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