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more ideas about my erratic spark and bad miss

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

something someone pointed out on Jerseys thread just clicked in my head.


For the backstory, if you missed it, the details are on this thread:



Basically the car idles fine, then when I rev it up slowly, as soon as it hits about 1000rpm, its like someone flips the 'run like sh*t' switch on the car. The timing will suddenly DROP from 20 to about 16* BTDC, instead of advancing like it's supposed to, and the engine will start to run very erratically and miss really bad. Now I've made the correlation, that this is most likely happening EXACTLY when the TPS is going open. So, perhaps it is not a bad distributor after all? I wont be able to investigate this any further until I get the head rebuilt and the car running again. I'm thinking first thing I might do when it's running is disconnect the TPS, and install a jumper in the end of the wire going to it, basically try to 'trick' the ECU into thinking the TPS is staying closed, and then rev the engine and see if the timing drops and the miss starts up.


Okay, the questions: if putting the jumper on the wire like this does allow the car to rev past 1000rpm without the timing suddenly dropping and the miss starting up, what does that mean? What will I need to do after that? I'm guessing I wont be able to just leave it this way and drive it like this, not that I'd want to anyways. Remember that I, like Jersey, have tested and/or replaced most of the components involved with the ECU, timing and spark. Such as: Cap, rotor, plugs, wires, coil, head temp sensor, TPS, AFM, wiring harness, and the ECU itself.


but after reading that on Jerseys' thread, it just makes more sense that it's NOT the distributor now, because I dont think that would cause the timing to just jump so suddenly like that, as soon as it hits 1000rpm.


oppinions and advice please guys :)

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Guest bastaad525

Anyone? I should have the car running again this saturday (got the head off, wasn't a bent valve, but the valve was definately stuck open), and really need some advice on what else I can check/do, as I'm sure the car will still be running like crap even with the rebuilt head installed, and that it's either ignition or just electical in general.


Any tips at all would be greatly appreciated... gonna get this puppy running right if it kills me!

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