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A non-Z kill, but a kill nontheless


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I was taking a buddy of mine to where his car was parked today (long story), and as i was pulling away i asked him "Hey, you wanna drag?" He looked at me and my '96 Chevy S-10 and laughed, then he nodded his head and said "Sure, follow me." So he jumped in his Grandma's Diamante and i followed him around (this was his neck of the woods, he knew more about the place than I did.)


We finally find a place, about 1/6th of a mile long, that goes downhill with those horizontal stops, kind of like you see in San Francisco. The first hill is blind, but there's barely any traffic, i'm in the opposite lane of traffic as we pull to the hill, and a school bus pops in front of me (scared the pooky out of me!) and i darted back in front of my friend.


Once the bus had gone by, we were both next to one another, laughing. "Okay, wanna go now?" he asked. I said we needed a way of starting off. I looked down in my pickup, and saw some dirty shoes. "I'm gonna throw this shoe high in the air, whenever it lands, we're off!" He agreed, and i reared back and chunked the shoe.


The shoe landed and we both stomped on the gas, i held it at about 80% and my little 2.8liter 4 cylinder peeled away from him quick. By the time we'd gone over the first flat spot, i was holding the pedal all the way down. He just kept getting farther behind me, so i went ahead and got back in the right lane, and got up at around 75 mph before i stopped the beating.


He pulled up to me, and we were laughing about it. He complained that his car had poor acceleration and that he was on empty. Excuses excuses i say, lol. So then I drove back to the starting point, picked up my shoe, and we left.


(note: the shoe now has a dirty tire print on it, because i rolled over it at the start)


Just thought I'd share.

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