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Eaton M112 SC ? LT1

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Title says it all, I just recently aquired a M112 Eaton SC for free and was wondering if anyone has heard of someone putting it on a LT1.


I found one guy who did it to a Firebird but I don't know if he got it running :?:


Thoughts comments :idea:

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there's a couple good forced induction books out there. I have 2, one is something like "How to turbocharge, supercharge, or Nitrous oxide for motorcycles".. the other is just "Turbochargers", I think it's by Hugh Mcclain or something similar. both are usually at Borders book store near me. Pick up one and get educated, I suggest "turbochargers" first.

Eaton has a web site with all their supercharger specs on it if you search around. find out first if it'll feed a 350 to a level of power that is worth the work.

A quick comment though.. LT1's are high compression, if you're not willing to spend the cash to build a bottom end with lower compression, you may do a lot better with a cam, programming, and good exhaust, etc.. You'll have more power than you need in a Z to scare your passengers and yourself.


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