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need help solving pertronix problem please.

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I have a 73 240z. Here is my ignition setup now: a new 240z single point distributer from nissan, a pertronix ignitor, new ngk wires and plugs(gapped at stock specs), new borg warner brass terminal cap and rotor(from napa), and currently a flamethrower 3 ohm coil. I bypassed the ballast resistor and installed the ignitor according to the instructions.

Here is my problem, my cap and rotor get black carbon deposits on the pickups and the engine runs like crap in about two weeks. when i first install the new cap and rotor, my engine runs awsome, but loses its smoothness in about 30min, give or take. after 30min. the pickups and rotor turn white. BTW my timing is set by advancing untill it pings, then retard it untill there is no pinging under load.


I'm tired of buying $25 cap and rotor sets every two weeks, or fileing those damn pickips and living with it for a month or so.


please help me.......! anybody have this problem and fixed it?

thanks for your help.

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