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Frame for 77 280Zx on CAD

Guest Jeff Rimmer

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Guest Jeff Rimmer

Due to rust and other factors I want to construct a frame for my 280. However, I was wondering if anyone had already put a frame design on CAD or a similar design program. Basically all I need are the original measurements which would be fantastic to have!!!


If would save a great deal of time if it has already been done, rather than to travel back and forth taking measurements, angles etc...


Thanks in Advance!


Jeff R

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Guest RisqueRace?

Hi Jeff, I am also interested in the same info. I have looked at a few different frame builders and allstons does offer a cage for z cars. I would bet they have done these before. I have to call them and talk about the details/measurments they need to build it. The website is fairly good www.cachassisworks.com


I think I am going to start with the 7121 strut with four link assy. Then just put in the front for now, and eventually add the four link and the cage later on.


Can anyone help us here?? thanx

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My factory 82' manual has a page of drawings and dimensions for chassis alignment. It covers everything needed to ensure proper alignment in the structural areas, but doesn't dimension things like fender wells.


If you want a full frame, be sure you know what you're getting into, and good luck.

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After taking quite a few things off my 82' to fix rust, The unibody looks stronger than I thought. Not to say it would win a contest for chassis stiffness and strength, but I think it would be adequate for most uses with some minor reinforcement.


Things might be different with your 77' though.

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Guest Jeff Rimmer

Well this would be the second such project I undertake. The first was a 68 Dodge Dart, and it worked out very well. But what I did was use CAD and ensure that things were measred correctly, by printing out large sections or frame and matching it to the existing, and in most cases, unexisting, frame and floor. I would really like to do the same with my 77, and still maintain the unibody, however, I want to fabricat out of stronger materials, mainly thicker, and run the entire length of the car, which they probably were but have initially, but have disappeared due to years of neglect.


Thanks for the input!

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