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Where is the vac line from the TB supposed to go on 1983 ZXT


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I bought a 1974 260Z with a 1983 ZXT motor back in December. I noticed a vacumm line under the throttle body that ran to a T which was connected to charcoal canister and vac line rail on Intake manifold. This vac line rail runs to nothing meaning atmosphere. I have been cleaning up things in engine bay. I removed charcoal canister by plugging steel line from tank and plugging nipple on intake manifold. I also plugged up nipple on bottom of throttle body car seems to run ok. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Did I remove charcoal canister correctly???

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Guest bastaad525

I tried to figure out what that is supposed to go to as well. I picked up from somewhere, that this line is only present on automatic equipped ZXT's. I did notice, when i had the proper 280zxt manifold on my engine (I've since swapped to the much cleaner, less cluttered '75 280z manifold) and I had this vacuum line connected, that my motor had the odd tendency to not want to drop revs. For instance... I'd take off from a light in first, let off the gas and put it in neutral to go into second, and the revs would just 'stick' at whatever point I had let off, for a good full second or two, often causing rough shifts if I was trying to shift fast. I disconnected and plugged that line, and the problem went away. I've left it that way every since.

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