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Mods: Idea/request for new section

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Okay I know the chances are probably slim of this happening, but I'm throwing the idea out anyways.


Recently I bought another car, and as Tim240z well knows I've been having some problems with it. Well... I have been all over the 'net, and found a few forums that deal with this specific car, and have been able to find some good info... but in general, I find that these other forums... well... they suck. Getting answers there is like pulling teeth, and getting GOOD answers there... well....



Now for a very long time I've been coming to HybridZ and really dont think I've once posted a question that didn't recieve some good answers.... and the fact is that there are lots of great folks here who really know their stuff about Z's and about cars in general. And, I"m the majority of them also drive and own cars other than just their Z's. So I was wondering/hoping... is there any way you guys could create a general tech area for people to discuss NON Z technical issues? Just one little side section that people could throw questions into... I mean... you do see non Z related questions pop up from time to time as it is (not just from me ), and again.. they usually end up getting good replies and tips... but as for me, when I have a question like that I'm not really sure where to put it 'legally', you know? Not sure if anyone else here would feel the same, but for me I think it'd be a cool thing to have, so I thought I'd mention it.

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