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2 "Links of Interest"... Pearl Harbor.


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just some interesting reading concerning the Pearl Harbor attack, and information we had prior. I didnt want to hijack the Patriot Act thread any further, and my own opinions on Pearl Harbor are formed mostly by reading I did as a child, and are of course not as sharp as they would have been had the reading been typically recent.






The interview with Admiral Kimmel is interesting, he shows remarkable control for a man that was along with General Short, essentially blamed for the Pearl Harbor disaster.


While we will never know for certain, and the "Seaman Z" story appears weak, what is certain is that we knew enough weeks in advance that the base should have been on highest alert. All the more so given that we were "fencing diplomatically" and "waiting for Japan to make the first mistake" or "fire the first shot". Militarily, there was very little doubt that Pearl Harbor was at risk, and indeed a message was sent about raising it's alert status, but only with regards to saboteurs. The 14 part message was being decrypted in what passed back then for "real time".... and Roosevelt was under no illusions as to its meaning or ramifications.

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