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Fuel pump for TBI

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I need advice on a fuel pump for the 90 truck TBI 350 I picked up for my 72 240Z. I found an old Hot Rod magazine that did a write up on EFI/TBI and it says I only need 9 psi. I would like to install a fuel cell in place of the spare tire well and ditch the stock tank. My plan is to use a transverse muffler set up like Firebird/Camaro. Can I get an in tank pump for the fuel cell or shelf that idea? I was kind of intimadated by the wiring issue for the TBI but the driveability aspect has merits. Anyone with a TBI have the large bore TBI setup?

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I have a TBI setup, used to be on a 327 (may it rest in peace) and now is going on a 350. Hot Rod is wrong about the 9 psi, factory spec is "between 9 an 13", most of them end up coming from the factory at 12. There are plenty of inline pumps that'll provide that, of course - no need for an in-tank, should that prove to be inconvenient. Many, however, like the MSD I'm using, are noisy. A recent thread ( http:// http://hybridz.org/nuke/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=36918 ) mentioned a Ford pump from an "87-88 F150 with the 5.8" that may be quieter.


Ditching the stock tank sounds like a PITA, that's up to you but there's really no need. Dan Juday, one of the old-timers on the board (and in life, too) put a 'cell in his Z. I'll be darned if I can find any online pictures of the installation, maybe someone else?


Regarding the mufflers, if you can find the room, go for it.


Good luck and have fun.[/url]

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