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Would this look funny?


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Well for starters im kinda new here, and im not really new to forums, so Ive been searching day and night on this forum for pics of what I want my car to look like, but cant seem to find the exact thing. But anyways I was wondering what a 240z with the YZ Rear widebody and Subtle Z front widebody would look like with the G Nose conversion.


Ive Seen Dan Jundays car, which has the front and rear that I want, but cant really tell how the car flows from those 2 little pics ive seen on the Recation website.


This is kinda half a picture request and half, "will this look good, or will it look like crap" post.



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It would be easy to build. The G-nose would match right up to the SubtleZ front fenders above the bumper line. Below that, the airdam line, you would need to get the ends of the SubtleZ airdam (John will sell you just those) and blend them into the G-nose airdam.


I think it would look great. I'm not a big fan of the G-nose myself, my wife loves it. It ws developed, as I understand, to improve the miserable airodynamics of the S30. I don't like the fact that it moves the front wheels farther back visually. I like the "pushed to the corners" look of the stock nose.


I've got to run to breakfast right now. I'll post some more pics of my car on this thread later today after work.


Dan "JUDAY" :wink:

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