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Oil pressure goes up B4 car starts.( Bush cops again)

Guest ZyaL8er

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Guest ZyaL8er

Hav 70 240Z W/ 280z F.I eng swap great combo 4 autocrossing Anyway i noticed my oil gauge goes up bout half way B4 engine starts :o Anybody hav a simular experience . Well :roll: and at the same time my speedometer likes to jump up_down- no steady reading 10 to 13 mph jumpjumps :twisted: (bush cops) Should I of took the gauges out of 280z and put them in my 240z .I am :D my R.P.M gauge works fine in my 240z didnt hav to swap the cable either thats a :shock: the clock well it has its own mind and own time :twisted: (bush cops) any words of wisdom & knowledge i would be Zeeply grateful.....

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