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i need advice on an intercooler

Guest tejas74260

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Guest tejas74260

sorry this is a quick post but i can elaborate more later if needed.


im looking for a water to air intercooler that will flow around 500CFM thats around $500 bucks (less is good, a little bit more might be ok)


i've looked at some different companies, but im not sure what to get. if ya'll can lead me in the right direction on this issue that'd be great.


lol i just want to be clear here....i dont want an air to air intercooler, so please dont tell me that that's what i need. (ive had issues before) so if you could answer my question i'd appreciate it (its a KA24DE-t setup so i have plenty of room in front of the motor. thanks



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Guest bastaad525

Okay not to side rail you but uh... what 'issues' have you had with air to air I/C's? I'm just curious :D



I didn't think you could pick up a water to air setup for so little cash as $500?

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Guest tejas74260

well, not the whole setup, im just talking about the core assembly, the tank, pump and other stuff isnt included. there's some PWR water to airs that are around $500 at the low end, but the intercoolers have 390CFM and 920CFM ratings....and i might be wrong but wouldnt the 920CFM just be too big if i was only gonna flow about 500CFM? either way, im just talking about the core assembly, not necessarily the entire kit.


water to air because i really want to minimize the amount of IC piping, and help with boost response. im swapping a KA24DEt motor into my 260, so the engine will sit right at or a little behind the front axle. with the water to air, i can just place it at the front of the block and have the piping be significantly shorter than a front mount. also, i dont want to have the problem with the IC blocking airflow to the radiator (i also want to add an oil cooler as well) and it gets pretty hot in the summers here in texas.


one big reason for the water to air...i want to try to engineer (or possibly ghetto-fab) a way to cool down the cooling liquid a whole lot and getting a lot cooler charge. here's what i was kinda thinking:


DEI makes those cry-02 "cryogenic fuel bars" that you plumb into your fuel line, and the Co2 circulates through and vents out of the bar...cooling the fuel quite a lot. instead of using it in the fuel line, i want to use it in the water line to the intercooler (i'll actually prob use alcohol or something that has a lower freezing point). the big trouble is im pretty sure the fuel bar vents the gas after it travels through it. i want to try to find a way to recirculate the gas either back to the original bottle or another bottle, so i wouldnt have to refill the tank all the time. it seems pretty complex to me, and DEI still hasnt responded to my question about that, so i'll ask paintball stores that refill c02 bottles to find out how it works. if i could get that to work...i would definetly be proud of myself and it would be worth the money and extra parts.


does anybody have a comment on my idea with some improvements/suggestions? i'd appreciate it








PWR water to air intercooler 6"X6" (3" inlet/outlet)

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Guest 240zJake

The CO2 Has to expand a significant amount to get the cooling effect, If you did trap it you would then have to recompress the gas, not cost effective. You'd be better off investing in a refilling station for what it will cost to do a recirculation system.


A better idea would be to build a system that would use an ac system to cool either the intercooler housing or the water reservoir....I'll draw up what I'm talking about. Use an ac unit with an electronically activated clutch, say out of a civic, and then put a button on your dash to turn it on.


On the air to water could you run two of the 390 CFM coolers in a parallel config to get the same result?

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Guest tejas74260

yeah, the AC was another idea i was thinking, but since i dont know much about how car AC systems work, i hadn't thought of anything though. that would be much easier though. shoot me an email or just post it here what your idea is. haha kinko's can scan it for you....and they're usually open 24 hours :D


about the dual 390CFM setup...that would just require double everything and be a lot more expensive. i'll do some serious geek research to see if i can find something. spearco makes water to airs too, but i cant find any pictures of them...i think they're rectangular in shape instead of the barrel like the PWR. im thinking since the air is being pushed by the turbo and pulled by the engine it wouldnt hurt performance that bad, but i'll leave it up to the experts here to see if a intercooler that has a 930 cfm flow capacity will hurt my performance if i only flow 500 max. haha thats definetly a physics (and aerodynamics) problem for yah. thanks



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Guest tejas74260

AHA! found a spearco unit that flows 450 CFM (that oughta be enough) and is 475 bucks, now i can start designing the system around it :D


heres the page with schematics of what they look like, its the core number 2-252



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Guest tejas74260

yeah, i learned how ac systems work and i think the design i came up with is pretty close to one of yours. my question for you on how to run it is...

if i ran an enectric clutch on the compressor, would i be able to control it with a fan controller that has a wide range of temp settings? i know dakota digital makes a water temp gauge with a range of 0-300degrees fahrenheit and a fan switch you can buy that goes with it that can be activated at any temperature the gauge is capable of reading. could that work for an automated system.


also, i would imagine the intercooler coolant would be getting pretty cool using this process...should i use a liquid like alcohol or are there better ones to use? thanks for getting my interest in that new design started....this will be much easier (and actually possible) than the other idea.


one more thing....what kind of water temps can i expect from this? (or whatever the coolant is) would it be like in the sub-50 degree range? if so that'd be pretty sweet and i wouldnt have to worry about filling up the tank with ice all the time. thanks man



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Guest 240zJake
if i ran an enectric clutch on the compressor, would i be able to control it with a fan controller that has a wide range of temp settings? i know dakota digital makes a water temp gauge with a range of 0-300degrees fahrenheit and a fan switch you can buy that goes with it that can be activated at any temperature the gauge is capable of reading. could that work for an automated system.

Absolutely, that’s easy

If you used alcohol you would have to get a pump that would pump alcohol, but adding antifreeze to the water should lower the freezing point sufficiently.


As to how cool this would get I would have to know how much heat the ac unit can dissipate and how much heat the intercooler has to get rid of.

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Guest tejas74260

yeah that would be an option, would using the antifreeze effect how much the liquid gets cooled because i know my engine runs cooler with less antifreeze...im still looking for alcohol pumps that will work (they said i need to use a pump that flows about 360-480GPH!!) i hope i can find something that's efficient. also, when we're saying alcohol, i need to know what type of alcohol i wanna use (ethanol, methanol, etc.) so that i dont screw anything up. thanks



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