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To spray or not to spray???


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I went drag racing and did a 14.849@ 90.76...

I'm thinking about nitrous just for when I go drag racing cus I kinda wanna be somwhere in the 13's... so I can beat my friends 350z and stand a chance against my turbo z buddies. So, I found this website that shows you how to build a nitrous kit using a fire extinguisher bottle and running all the lines, and you just plumb it all up to a selenoid and an actual NOS jet. I want to run a wet system, ~75 shot. Keep in mind I have 10.03:1 cr with stock FI... Will nitrous be safe on this motor? I've heard alot of people say spray it, but I want to know what I'd be getting into (I don't want to blow up my engine!!!)


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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

It'll be able to handle a 75 shot easy, and that will get you into the 13's at around 100mph. If you do a little basic prep you can spray 100hp.


I wouldn't recommend the fire extenquisher nitrous kit, lol.


You can get a nice used N2O kit off Ebay for $250-$300. Get a single wet fogger.

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Guest 73Turbo240z

hey olie, i'm in houston too, and i'd be more than happy to help you set up a real wet system, that fire extinguisher stuff sounds like it's real "shady" rigging... much like the "e-blowers" (read: bilge pump fans) that were so popular to hock on ebay back in the day.


A single shot wet system isn't hard to do, and you can install any number of additional components relatively easily thereafter, purge, gauge, bottle heater, window switch, rpm switch, etc...

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It'll be able to handle a 75 shot easy' date=' and that will get you into the 13's at around 100mph. If you do a little basic prep you can spray 100hp.


I wouldn't recommend the fire extenquisher nitrous kit, lol.


You can get a nice used N2O kit off Ebay for $250-$300. Get a single wet fogger.[/quote']


What exactly is "a little basic prep" to handle a 100 shot?


Also, it's not a fire extinguisher kit, its just this guy that posted directions on how to build a nitrous system using a fire extinguisher... If you think about it, the most important part of the nitrous system is the nozzle, which I would probably get from NOS or NX, the rest of the system, as long as it holds the pressure and flows well shouldn't matter what brand it is. The only reason I would want a NOS brand bottle would be for looks, anything else that holds the pressure (it's a CO2 fire extinguisher) I'd like to try (for cheaper). Don't worry, I know its ghetto!!:cool:


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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

It would be a good idea to smooth the combustion chambers, reseat the valves, and install new valve stems. A new head gasket overtorqued would be a good addition, too.


I'd also upgrade the ignition, retard the ignition timing, retard the cam timing, and install colder plugs one or two heat ranges colder than stock.


With all that, I wouldn't hesitate to run a 125-150 shot, but you have GOT to make sure you have a window switch, low fuel pressure switch, and an AF gauge.

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Guest rick458

the worst that can happen is you nitrous solenoid can hang open,(or leak)

with the motor off, and when you start up, the intakes, Carbs and Hood all go into low earth orbit,Rare but it happens.

Or the fuel solenoid can not open, or not allow enough fuel in to feed the nitrous, and your head becomes a Gasoline and oxygen powered torch and burns through your pistons.

You did ask.

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the worst that can happen is you nitrous solenoid can hang open' date='(or leak)

with the motor off, and when you start up, the intakes, Carbs and Hood all go into low earth orbit,Rare but it happens.

Or the fuel solenoid can not open, or not allow enough fuel in to feed the nitrous, and your head becomes a Gasoline and oxygen powered torch and burns through your pistons.

You did ask.[/quote']


LOL to the low earth orbit part!


Do the jets take care of the fuel/nitrous mix? What do I have to do to make sure they are in good mix? (sorry 'bout all the questions but I haven't gotten a nitrous book yet)


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Running N20 is not for the meek.N20 is 37% 02 by and regulare outside air is 22% so your feeding your motor a mixure almost double the 02 content.If you add oxygen you must have a correct ratio of fuel 12.2- 11.6 to 1.This is where the jets come into play.There is alot to setting up a nitrous system properly.I can`t agree more with using the proper saftey systems.

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

If you jet it right, which is easy if you are literate, and if you have basic safety devices installed, you're pretty safe. I've gone through no fewer than 100 bottles of nitrous and have only burned one $17 valve, which was due to my window switch not shutting off the nitrous flow before the rev limiter. That was my fault because I bypassed the window switch and missed a shift.


I've never had any problems otherwise.


You always turn the bottle off when you're not using it, so that story about blowing the hood off is a joke. Not to mention your fogger will be installed before the throttle plate, so the nitrous would simply escape through the air filter.


You can run a 75 shot NOW if you have:


a basic wet shot

an upgraded fuel pump

the correct size jets for your fuel pressure

a window switch

a low fuel pressure switch (comes with most kits)

copper plugs 2 ranges colder than stock, gapped down from stock

a few hours to install the kit

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It's good to hear from people that know what they're talking about! Thanks for the replies... and if anyone has anymore suggestions go ahead. I'm going to save the money and buy a kit with all the things mangum mentioned... so probably no nitrous for a while (or at least until I get a job :) )


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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

You can get used kits for $250 and add on the other stuff and still not break $350 total.


I have a recent post showing examples of good used kits on Ebay.

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

The bottle shattered because it had been previously heated with a torch and had microscopic stress cracks...


AND the owner left the bottle heater turned on by accident, and it was being constantly heated all night...


AND the owner removed the safety pop-off valve from the bottle... because they were tired of waking up in the morning to find that they had left the bottle heater turned on all night and the safety valve popped and spewed all their nitrous.


It takes blatant stupidity to have something like that happen.

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First of all I think people are scared Nitrous way too much, yes there are certain safety precautions that must be payed attention to. First of all if you tamper with a safety valve you are a dumb ass, period.


Nitrous is not nitro glyceron, it won't just spontaneously combust. All it is pressurized O2, and the nitrogen stabilizes and lowers combustion temps. If you solenoid leaked on startup, the excess O2 would just escape to atmosphere, since your stock fuel system is still putting out the same amount of fuel. It may run a tad lean at start, or may not even start until the excess O2 is pumped throught the motor.


Typically in fire the bottle will not explode, the safety valve will dump excess O2 into the fire which is bad. But you are not going to have a hollywood explosion on your hand, personally I would be more worried about a gas tank in the event of a fire.


True there is a couple of hood fires in N20 drag cars, usually caused by incorrect timing, or flow reversion from poor cam design. This can happen in a N/A car, but is a little less likely.


The main thing about N20 is monitor that A/F ratio, dumping extra N20 without fuel is usually the biggest problem for many people.

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