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engine rebuild question


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OK so all has been well on the old stock motor( 78 280Z). My plan has been for some time to add another motor when I move and have a garage and it isn't my daily driver. So, I have noticed lately (last few days) that my coolent got low ( resevoir tank was almost empty). It is a fairly new ( one year or so) JTR radiator with no visable leaks. I don't think that is why I lost some coolant. Now my oil looks good etc. and I don't have any visable exhaust. Why could it have gone low on coolant?


That was the first question. Second one. I might need a rebuild before I can get a turbo motor or v8 (still undecided) and work is really busy and I have no free time. What would be a guestimate on a price for a quick rebuild (rings, head gasket etc) in the Oakland area?


My worries is that I am burning coolant but real slow. That would mean a headgasket right? The engine is also old since the last rebuild. It has 310k on the car and about 160K on the engine since last rebuild. I have taken great care of it but the P.O. sucked. I have had it like 40 thousand miles, which I put on in 4 years. I really don't drive it much and I certainly don't race it. I'm no grand ma either, but I don't abuse it.


What would be everyones suggestions on what to do? Should I buy a used engine and rebuild that one and then swap them? Should I bring it to a shop?


Thanks much as always,


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i just had a rebuild done recently and i can tell you it wont be cheap. i am in australia so i cant really tell you what it would be but i suspect it wont be under $1000. the parts are cheap enough but its the time that the shop spends on pulling it apart and rebuilding it that is the killer. like i said i cant really give you a great approximation for price but just warning you that it probably wont be cheaper than a gran.



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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Check the water pump hole on the bottom for evidence of leakage.

Also check your passenger floorboard for evidence of heater core leakage and also tighten all of your hose connections EVERYWHERE.


If it still is leaking then drain out the anifreeze COMPLETELY in other words remove drain cock and flush system until ALL antifreeze is out and then add some COASTAL COPPER SEALANT and add with straight water. This stuff will stop some pretty nasty head gasket leaks from my own past experience.




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look aroud for a good used 280 zx motor from 79-83.. you are in California .. so there should be a few avaiable. you could have a minute leak somewhere in the system...re-tourqe the head......I had a head gasket leak in the 78 silver Z for a long time....every once in awhile white smoke would come out of the exhaust pipe being the only indication something was wrong..and about every 2 weeks more water I added to the radiator and then one day...oil in the radiator..and engine barely could run...extreme head gasket leak.

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Has anyone used http://www.risingsunengines.com/index.php as a source for a longblock? If I need a replacement or go that route I was wondering what you all thought. And if so, which year inline 6 is better. Also, will all the extraneous parts from my 78 fit on say a 81 non turbo, like say, oil pump, water pump, starter, injectors,etc?




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