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In need of a new clutch, searched and found


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That most of you agree that it is either the ACT clutch or the SPEC clutches, well from what Ive been looking at I like the SPECS more then the ACT's.


Im thinking that this clutch would be more then enough for what I need at this time.


Here are the specs, its from Nipponpower.com


SPCSN322 Stage 2 - 450lb Torque

74-78 Nissan 280Z, ZX 2.8 2+2

81-83 Nissan 280Z, ZX 2.8 Turbo

84-89 Nissan 300ZX 3.0 Non-Turbo

84-86 Nissan 300ZX 3.0 Turbo



Seems like a hell of a price too? How would this do for my dailey driver ZXT with about 300hp/350 torque?


Anyone used this specific clutch?


Also from my searches I have found that some have changed clutch masters and slaves with a smaller slave and a larger CM, can anyone explain the benefits of this or why?


Are the stocker parts not up to capacity? Ive found that most of the talk was with the stocker slaves not being up to the task of the job with stronger PP's.


Thanks for any help and or more information that you can give to me on this.

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i had this clutch in my 240sx.. was perfect for daily driving.

held fine and i was at about the same power levels you are but a tad more HP.

i have there spec stage 4 in my blue Z right now.



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I had the ACT carbon kevlar ( stgII I think?) clutch and Fidanza flywheel in my ZXT before taking it off the road for a while . I liked it because it held the torque and was easy to drive ( no chatter!!) Actually I think the pedal pressure was LESS than stock.



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