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caen fred

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

If it is a "dry" gasket you may get lucky. I tried that once with a stock Nissan gasket and once you bolt it down you can't reuse it.

BTW you can always buy a headgasket from someone on the forum and have it shipped to you via Airmail Parcel Post.

BTW you can shave 2 mm no problem as long as you are sure the head hasn't been milled in the past.



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If its for anything performance related then I say just try to find a new one. If is for anthing that like daily use then I would say you can reuse the old one. If you have to use a scraper to get it off, use a plastic scraper so you don't end up damaging the surface of the metal.


IMO. I say get a new one. You spend all your time, money, and labor on rebuilding your engine, might as well get a new one as a precautionary measure.

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I'm not sure. With felpros I've read on here that people have had some bad results some good. I think that most people on here will suggest the OEM ones. I've heard great results with the nismo gasket, but have also read that the there are some tiny oil seepage and is normal. I think that MSA and Arizona Z are the best place to look that I know of.






Some other people might post some other places.

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I've had some luck with a copper head gasket. If you are opening up your motor a lot, then they are worth the little extra money as they can be cleaned up and re-used. As for a stocker, don't mess with it, order up a new one. They are designed to crush when bolted down so that they fill any imperfections in the block and head. Once crushed, they don't uncrush and won't recrush when bolted back down again.

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I have had no problems with my Fel-pro gasket, and Im running 11.4:1 compression and it was my daily driver for about a year and a half in that configuration. only reason it is not my daily driver now is because I moved fropm phoenix (the desert) to minneapolis (a winter wonderland) and I dont want my car to be eaten alive by salt!


If you are looking at going the "shave and shim" route, I would suggest tracking down a Maxima N47 head. I dont know what it was called over in europe, but the car looks liek this PIC and it is powered by an L24E. it was manufactured from 1981 to 1984 here in the states. bolting the head from this car on to an L28 with flat tops will give you 11.4:1 compression. if thats a little high for your tastes, have the machinest open up the chamber a few CCs by unshrouding the valves and taking the bump around the sparkplug down a little. It will be a whole lot easier in the end than it would be to machine cam spacers, have the cam align bored, find the larger valves, shaving your head 2MM, and all that junk.

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