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Strange MegaSquirt / MegaTune problem...


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I didn't have a basemap for my car when I went to mess with my car the other day, so with as much info as I could download to my laptop I went and attempted to create a base basemap that would start the car.


I got the constants set, the enrichments set, etc


Starting the car was not a success, but in diagnosing the starting it was found that basically I wasn't getting any spark. Thats when it occurred to me that in MegaTune the pulldown menu for Spark was greyed out. Thats one issue I can't figure out, but there's something else.


Going through the config in megatune several times I finally spotted something in the Code Config. I saw a control for FIDLE, with the choices Idle, or Spark. It was set on Idle. Thats when I remembered that the HEI module gets it's signal from the FIDLE output. I switched the FIDLE output setting to Spark and power-cycled.


After making that change the MS goes nuts, turning the fuel pump on and off, on and off. Resetting itself I guessed. So I turned the setting back and power cycled again, and the MS comes back, turns on the fuel pump for a few seconds, then sits there happy.


The MS reports it's firmware as MSnS-Extra024s11. I have the config in megatune selected to use the MSnS_extra24 ini file.


The MS is talking to my laptop, sensors give correct readings, RPMs on the laptop correspond correctly to engine revs when cranking. (curiously though, the mini-terminal does not echo keystrokes like the help manual says it should).


I was able to go into Code Config and change the LEDs to show me Spark instead of Squirt, and it was able to burn this change to the ECU without it messing up. When I set the LED to light on Spark, they just stay on all the time-- even when the car is not cranking.


Also anyone have wiring diagrams for using the relay board? I'm not clear if I have my relay board jumpered right.


Lot of questions I know... The car is so close now but I'm battling with this ECU.

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I've gone through the same stuff as you are right now.



There's how to jumper your relay, And When my box started power cycling like a tour de france biker, (hah, get it?) I found it was because I was telling it to use more than one type of ignition, (ie both hei and 36-1 wheel, or any combination) Hope this helps dude. Good luck.

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I know MSnS-E HATES it when you set up base values without it plugged in at least INITIALY. It has happened to me and 1 fast Z, all you have to do is reburn the MSnS code on it, hook up your laptop, and do an initial edit with the MS box hooked up and turned on.


After that time you should be able to edit at home then plug in and burn. Mine would reset trigger angle and some other stuff, 1 fast Z's would do some other weird crap.



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Okay, this is some good information. Formulating a plan of action for the next time I go attempt to start the car. With the thread that badjuju linked I'll be able to verify the jumpers on the relay are right.


Mario, where can I download the firmware and find information on how to burn it? My MS came with the firmware preloaded so I'm not familiar with the procedure.


GUESSING --> After I reload the I will run megatune and connect to the ECU and read all of the blank-slate settings from the ecu. I'll enter in all the info while connected to the ecu. Then I can try and configure spark and power cycle.


Also, I should set the ignition type to HEI (cuz I'm using a GM HEI module) and set the fidle output to spark. Right?


Seems pretty straight forward.

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Just use ignition option to the ones here:



It is the one in the sticky, I guess now it's called "distributor mode".


The HEI just controls dwell in this case, the CAS provides RPM input to the MS box if I remember correctly.


Spark output should be set to FIDLE or LED17, depending on whether you wired it to retain the FIDLE circuit or not.


You can download the firmware from the page above, I would get the stable release, but some people like the experimentals (more features).



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