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Anyone ever publish freeware?


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I've been working on some datalogging software, and have gotten to the point with it that I think others might find it useful. I'd like to release the source code and compiled app as freeware. However, I'm thinking I need to protect it in some way, such as with the GNU General Public License. I've done a little bit of research, and have found this page, which outlines the "copyleft" procedure, but I'm still a bit confused as to what I need to do to enable it. Don't I have to provide a copy of the code to someone somewhere, so as to provide a record of what's actually being secured? Or is it that I simply include the copyright statement in the source code, as well as a copy of the GPL in a textfile alongside? That doesn't seem like enough, does it? And, if someone actually *does* rip off the code, what can (or should) be done? I'm a bit lost here, and any help from someone who's been there would be appreciated.

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Define "rip off." The GPL basically gives anyone the right to modify your code so long as whatever they create from it is also released under GPL.


I personally prefer the BSD license because I think it is more "Free." It all depends on what your intentions are.

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The way I understand it, you include the text of the license with your source code or binaries that you distribute. I don't believe that the BSD license requires you to distribute the source code with a binary distribution. You should include the license with binaries anyway.


here is a template you can use to generate your own license:



opensource.org in general is a good resource for OSS license information.


wikipedia actually has a decent page explaining the license:




The Free Software Foundation has a great FAQ detailing how software is released under GPL (not related to BSD really, but very thoroughly documented):


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