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MS Install Trouble


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The install guide tells you: "You got it set to about 50 or 60 BTDC, now loosen the distributor and turn it by hand with MSnS powered on until you see the middle LED come on."


The middle light on my MS does not come on. What makes the middle light turn on? What should I be looking for? I'm all wired up ready to go... just need a little more help.

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The trick that I used was to remove the cap, rotor and the metal cover on the distributor and look at the 6 inner slots. If you are not rotating over one of the slots you will never get a trigger.


I hope this helps some.



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Ok... I took the cap off and was rotating the dizzy around the mark - all of the sudden a HUGE spark jumped from the cap (laying nearby) to my arm and about made me piss myself. It also sounds like some injectors are clicking.


Even with all of this activity... I still don't have the middle LED coming on. I am running a V3.0 board if it matters. I think the spark of death :icon54: was a good sign, but I still am not sure if my MS is hooked up correctly because I'm not getting the middle LED. Help pleez.

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Well for starts disconnect the trigger wire to your coil so you do not shock yourself again. Oh yea cover the wire so it does not ground out.


Now how do you have your LED's set up? Mine are setup this way!


LED 17 Spark output A

LED 18 IRQ trigger

LED Acceleration


This information is under Basic Settings, codebase and outputs funtions on my MegaTune 2.25 running code 29q2.


When I rotate my distributor I would get an LED 18 and the fuel pump would prime. That is how I figured out that my timing was correct. Also I marked my harmonic balancer by putting tape on the damper and marking the first 30 degrees and then moving the 30 degree mark to 0 and then marking the next 30 degrees. This will work all the way around the dampener if you need to do this.


Hope this helps.



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