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N/A 280z Tuning


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Ok... my first full day of tuning the z... first off - it takes a lot longer to figure it out than I thought it would. It seems like all I do is read - search the internet - read some more - search the internet - check the sticky - read some more and so on.


What I've figured out so far:

- Other peoples tables are useless unless you have the entire MSQ file... even then - it doesn't help much

- Spark tuning seems to be quite the black art. I took my best guess based on suggestions from moby and z-ya.

- Adding timing to idle really boosts up the MAP pressure. I went from ~11 degrees to ~23 degrees and my MAP's went up by 20kPa. Is this normal?

- Quite a bit of stuff has changed from release to release of megasquirt - megatune. It is tough to figure out what is what sometimes.

- Autotune doesn't seem to work worth a crap!

- Acceleration enrichments are the key afer it idles ok. The stock settings in megasquirt just make it puke and backfire at you. This is where I'm currently stuck. Please post your accel/decel enrichments so i can get a clue what mine should be set at. This is just the start of questions. I'd ask more now, but the wife is barking at me to go to dinner. I'll try to post pics of my config later today / tomorrow.




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