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Rust around gas filler?


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So I was sanding away trying to get my 280z painted before school starts and what do you know? Rust! I need advice on how to deal with it.


The gas tank filling area is where I have it. You know how there's the cup shaped sheet metal spot welded on the inside of the car with the gas filler hose going through it and the gas door closes over it? It's the thing right behind the gas fume tank thing.


Well, I found some bad rust between the outer sheet metal and this inner spot welded piece and I can't get at it because there is basically no tool that will get into the space I have. I suppose what happened was that over 30 years, gas dripped into the crack and that was that How should I deal with this? Anybody had this problem before?

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Why would I need to drop the gas tank?? If I was going to do anything in that area I could just move/disconnect the vent tank and the filler tube.


But what do I do about the rust and the inability to get at it? It's not too bad. I was able to punch a couple pinholes on the outter body sheet metal, but that's about it. If I could get at it all, I'm sure it would just grind away.


Is there a liquid fix for this?

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actually there is. I use it regularly, but kinda of tricky to paint. At walmart tey have some stuff called "rust remover" (not rust convert, that stuff sucks) in a little white bottle with a grey lable. Its posphuric acid. You sand surrounding metal to clean metal, brush on thick, wait untill it drys and start flaking, then brush off with a wire brush and paint. Thats been working for me. Will post pics of what it looks like and the effects later.

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no not really as long as you keep it away from water as the stuff is drying the metal flash rusts so quick you can literally see it happen before your eyes with in the minute water touches the surface. Sucks being in alaska. Rains so much this last week that there seems like there are flood warnings everywhere anywhere 200 miles out of anchorage.

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Yeah, I picked it up this morning and tried it out this afternoon. I'm not sure if I did it right though since I didn't seem to get amazing results. It kind of just turned it black.


I brushed it on, let it sit for a couple hours, and then wire brushed it as I washed it off with water...


How are you doing it?

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In that particular area, when you have your rust removed and nuetralized, consider treating it to eliminate the possibility of return.

Check this stuff out. I have used it with amazing results.

Stops rust dead.



And no I dont own the company or distribute. I works..... period.


Good luck.

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