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I can't stand ignorance


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In the last few months you've posted a couple of these... I'm going to give you some solid advice... DON'T HANG AROUND DRAMA PEOPLE!


I have nephew I used to refer to as my little brother... He is my nephew because he isn't worthy to be my little brother. He is 26 years old, has been unemployed most of his adult life and he lives with and leeches off my retired parents. He is essentially worthless and has fallen out of my good graces... I feel I have to mention this because it's importand as to why you need to stop hanging around drama and stupid people.


Every since my nephew has had his license, he has congregated around anyone and everyone stupid enough to fight about benchraces. He's constantly going to "show" someone or "prove that idiot wrong". I've always thought that it takes way more time and effort to try to prove the idiots wrong and in the end you eventually get some of that stupid to rub off on you. I pretty much wrote the boy off after this past summer he went to a parking lot looking for a race and ended up on the wrong side of a pair of brass knuckles. Some kid blind-sided him and he never saw it coming... Just what he needed, more head trauma to make him dumber! :lmao:


You've commented a couple times about "racing" people. I hope you're doing it at a track. I hope you get what I'm implying above. You have ZERO to prove to the idiots of the world, unless you're just trying to prove you belong in their ranks. I don't think that's your intent, but you might want to re-think these little rants before posting them. You can't "show" every idiot in Mechanicsville that they are wrong. Otherwise it'll be a full time job.





The races are meant to be on the track, after what you and Jim told me last year to take it to the track it makes alot more sence. Besides that I just got a speeding ticket a few months ago(just speeding, nothing reckless) and I started to think, if I get caught racing, there goes the car, my license, and alot of money. Pretty pointless when I think its like 15 to race, or something small like that at the track.


Honestly I don't hang out with any of these guys, one was a Zcar I saw on craiglist awhile back with flames and he was asking 9k, and I started talkin to him on AIM about it and he was pretty cocky about his S14 and his knowledge of all Z's. I think that post got deleted. The "flames don't look good post" was all the same person, but this time it was just the ad I posted. Have never met this guy in real life, and don't really want to-unless he wants to line up.

The jetta guy is one of my old girlfriend/old friend's husband who just likes to brag about his car skills, they live in Newport and I've never met the guy, but with as much as hes trying to impress me, he just seems like an idiot. I wasn't the one that initially started a fight, all I said was the Veyron was over-rated. Eventually he came up with the idea to street-race for "pinks" against his jetta. I said how bout loser pays track fees, do you wanna race at richmond drag, or is there a place closer to you that you wanna race?


I do my best to stay out of drama, can't stand it really. You are right that it would be a full time job to teach all the idiots in mechanicsville, theres plenty of idiots here, but niether one of these guys lives here, I don't really have to worry about them.

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