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Question About Switching Intake Manifolds


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Okay, so I wanna change out the intake manifold in my car. Right now there's a W24 manifold on it, but I bought an N42 without the EGR to replace it. Well, my question is, can I leave all of the emissions crap (i.e. Air Regulator, Thermal Vaccuum Valve, etc.) off of it when I change them out? If I can't, can you tell me why, and if it's because of emissions it's ok because the county I live in doesn't require emissions checks. I'm trying to dress up the engine so, the more I don't need and can leave off, the better. Thankx!!!

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Isn’t anyone going to step up and take the “search bullet” for this guy?.... Well?.... Anyone?.... :coollook:


Ok, I’ll help him out and take the bullet this time around... :bonk:


You can pretty much get rid of everything, but you will need to keep the following… The Throttle position switch, the throttle valve itself, Air Flow meter, Fuel pressure regulator, and the injectors. With the throttle switch you can rotate it upside down so the wires come out the bottom, then add a custom fuel rail and then route your injector wires under that. With the custom fuel rail, you can relocate the fuel pressure regulator to the fire wall as well.

If you remove the air flow regulator, depending on what part of the country you live in and how cold it gets in the mornings, you’ll have to set your idle speed such that it will at least idle on its own when it is cold, but that means your idle speed will be much higher when the engine gets to temp, say 1000-1200 RPM or so. TO keep a consistent idle for cold and warm operation, you could relocate the air flow regulator to the bottom side of the manifold or even the fender or firewall if you choose, you just need to make sure that one of the hoses connects to the manifold behind the throttle valve and the other in front of the throttle valve, but behind the Air Flow Meter.


Also, if you do a search within the L-6 portion of this forum, you will find that this has been covered in MUCH depth…

Good luck…





Custom N-42 intake…










This intake is currently for sale, (contact Ron Tyler for more info)..


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