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new msd and now injectors wont fire?


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I had a bad ingnition module so instead of buying a new one I figured I would put in a msd 6al. After installing now my injectors wont fire. I have read read and read through the other posts. I read on the install others have done. The only thing I found that was different on theres then mine is I have no solid black wire to coil. I have only blue and blk/white stripe. Please help. The car is a 81 280 zx na auto.

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This is what I used to wire the msd up.


1. MSD heavy guage red and black wires to battery + and good ground (I grounded it to the wheel well) respectively

2. MSD light gauge orange and black wires to coil + and - respectively

3. Stock coil + wire (black with white stripe) taken off coil and connected to MSD light gauge red wire (you will also probably want to splice your tach key-on 12v source wire here)

4. Stock coil - wire (black) stays on coil - with MSD light guage black wire. ALTERNATIVELY you can hook this wire to the MSD light gauge white wire, although the manual says not to do this (you'll see why in a minute) it worked fine for me though either way, also I read that your car will run better if you DO connect it to the white wire. If you're at all worried you can just leave this wire disconnected and the car should still run. (I would like another oppinion on the 'best' way to wire these)

5. TAKE THE MODULE FROM THE ZX DISTRIBUTOR OFF!!! There are two wires that connect into it coming from inside the dizzy, red and green. (one less part to worry about!)

6. Connect the purple and green magnetic pickup wires to the wires that were connected to the distributor module, purple to red and green to green. (this is why the manual says not to hook up the light gauge white wire... it says not to use the white wire and the magnetic pickup wires at the same time *shrug* worked fine for me when I hooked it up though)

7. Tach signal wire plugs into the MSD box right next to the magnetic pickup wires.


The only thing about this set up is I do not have a black wire at the coil. I have one black w/white sripe and one blue. From what my diagram shows the blue is the fuel injection and tach wire. I have tried wiring the blue to the coil like it was the "black" wire show ubove good spark no injector fire) and also running the blue to the tach wire (same outcome) and then I tried wireing the blue to the msd tach output and the coil (smoked some wires and a fusable link with this one). Has any one wired an msd up to a stock 81 280 zx and if so can you let me know how to get it wired up before I blow something else up. Thanks

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