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MS-1 v2.2 problem What did I do?


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I have a MS-1 v2.2 that I've owned for over 2 years and I am trying to get it to work. I had all of the wires connected last year except for the fuel injectors and the tach signal wires. I am using Megatune 2.25. I was able to see all of the sensors working. I neglected to follow the instructions on the tach wire and I accidentally connected the sheilding to the negative side of the coil. The coil got hot and the car would not run (i'm still using the factory ecu, I was just trying to check all of the new sensors). I disconnected the negative wire on the coil and the car ran again. What damage did I do to my MS-1? My MS-1 also has some kind of ignition control capabilities to it. I bought it used, but ininstalled and the previous owner did not remember what the program was called. I took the wiring harness cover off and saw that the #6 pin sheild wire was touching the bare wire of the #25 ignition wire. I put electrical tape between the two and closed the connector back up.


The problem I have now is that I can not get Megatune to communicate with my MS-1. It would show all of my sensors working, but when I went to change any of the factors in the constant table, Megatune would loose the connection with my MS-1. I tried to uninstall Megatune and reinstall it on my laptop. I can't change anything under mscfg, or at least the "Activate" option never becomes available. Now I can not connect to my MS-! at all. As soon as I plug the cable in the Megatune turns off. If I connect and then open Megatune it tells me it expected "0x14" and the MS-1 is sending """


Can you please help me?

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