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Triple webers baseline input recomendations

Guest bloxman

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Guest bloxman

Good Evening


I would like some input and reasoning and recomendations for Jetting and Venturris for my triple weber DCOE 42's


I have bench stripped and rebuilt these carbs using Weber rebuild kits.

But what I don't know is if the carbs initial set up is even remotely correct for my application.


I bought my 280Z last year in July it also came with a 240 engine with the triples installed and headers. But it was ouside the car as was the efi 2.8. The previous owner had bought the car with the additional engine just like myself. And never installed either.


I am concerned the base line is all wrong because ...

with the idle adjustment screws not making or just making contact with the lever the car lumps along as it should at a very low idle , but I only have the mixture screws open approximately a half a turn each.


From everything I read the initial set up should be o.k. but i still find the plugs a bit black . which means what exactly ? are the venturis too big , too small or just right. same story for the jets.


any way I am attaching a little chart I filled out that I found on the net. It makes the information sort of sensible.


By the way I have the low pressure high volume carter fuel pump as recommended by weber,


So fuel should be good


I have upgraded the distibuter to the 79-83 ZX E1280 distiributor


So spark should be cool too.




Thanks for any and all thoughts /inputs recommendations





weber _thumb.jpg

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