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Time For Some Fun

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Well here is my new toy a 74 260Z, and if i really enjoy working on this i will be off in april to go to school at SAM Racing in Houston. Ive been searching around for what engine will give a good challenge and of course be with in a reasonable budget (yeah right).


Anyways here is the always evolving master plan

Swap in the L28ET engine

Upgrade the necessary parts to get to around 350hp or more not sure yet

Megasquirt for management

figure out suspension items i will need (havent done to much searching yet as that will be further down the road upgrade)

More than likely I will just do some basic upgrades to the brakes. ie pads lines and such not completely sure just yet

And of course the first thing that will get done is to replace the passenger and mabey the driver side floor pan


Oh one more thing, since this car has traded hands several times, the previous owner told me that he believed the engine had been swapped out for the 280Z engine. did some searching earlier and I thinks thats correct plus it seams the 260Z was kinda a mix with the 240 and 280. I'll put up a couple pics of the engine.


Anyways here are some pics of it. for the most part it is in really good shape. very few areas of visible rust and paint bubbles other than the passenger side.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty then so its been kinda a busy week. went to dallas to go pick up a turbo engine and mabey pull one from a 280zx the junkyard just got in. that didnt work out at all. the turbo engine was missing and the car wasnt a 280zx turbo. well sh*t happens so i just decided to pull a throttle body off a 240sx.


Well the other day I did find a 280zx 2+2 turbo. they guy that owned it had decided to replace the head gasket and couldnt get it back together. so it sat around for a couple of years in his garage, now its in mine. spent today pulling parts off so i can pull the engine with out any hassle. of course the parts became the hassle with rounded off bolts and what not. eh still fun.


oh i will be parting the car out in about a week. so far the only things i will be keeping off of it will be the engine / tranny / ignition switch / mabey a couple other odds and ends. if anyone wants something let me know. i would prefer local pick up of parts, might be willing to ship small things. send a pm if you want something or more info.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Well lets see. Pulled both engines in the last couple of weeks. so as it turns out the block from the 280zxt is an n42 with flat top pistons (has 79 stamped into them, and someone here has mentioned that they may be just as strong as the dished pistons. dont know myself) But with life there is always the ups and downs. so when i pulled the l28 engine out of the 260z and removed the header... dished pistons! So i will put the engine back together and keep the p79 header and keep searching for a holset turbo. In the last couple of weeks i have gotten my megasquirt system in so that needs to be assembled. I have a replacement passenger floor pan from Zed Findings so i will start to work on that in a couple of days along with the rest of the various rust spots on the car. Oh yeah still need to determine which wiring harness to buy, thinking ez2wire 22 circuit will work, mabey 14 circuit. eh thats it for now. time to take a shower.







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  • 1 month later...

So yeah nothing but fun. Lets see replaced the passenger side floor pan (of course it didnt go as i had planed, but its done), patched a couple of spots on the drivers side and the big surprise found a nice large hole under the battery tray so had to replace that too. eh its done and over and i hate body work.











But on a happier note. I reinstalled the engine with out any problems and mocked up the holset turbo and down pipe to be fabbed. Not to sure about the intercooler, more than likely buy a bigger one to replace it.







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Forgot to add this last night. Also mocked up the boost gauge using the clock housing. Then i moved the other gauges around. Also got in my 22 circuit ez2wire kit in looks pretty good we'll see how it goes installation wise.









oh yeah forgot about this...


trust me it is not fun to be laying under the car with just barley any room for your head and the welding helmet to kinda look down and see that your on fire (its about a 3 in hole). Did I mention that I hate bodywork??? :fmad:

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  • 1 month later...

So close to being done... er well getting the engine running. Last few things to do. Finish up the exhaust and all of the wiring and all the little details that i'm sure that i have forgotten about.


Installed some Corbeau seats that I got from Craigslist. Since they were used I swap the seats around passenger to driver side and vice versa






Moved the seats inward so that the side bolster doesnt interfere with the door closing




I bought a T3 wastegate adapter from ebay and then in an unrelated search here found that it wasnt plug and play. So I said the heck with it and welded it on to my manifold which already had a broken stud that I tried to fix. Not to sure how well the welding will hold up but it will work for now and I have another for back up that I literally dug out of the ground at a junk yard. I was going to redo the setup but decided against it as I would had to have remake my down pipe and a couple of other things.






Made the downpipe from a 4" v flange, 4" 45 degree pipe and a 4" to 3" transition











Broke my vise bending the @#*! pedal so I could install a throttle cable. What a pain in my @$$ it took about two hours of bending just to get it right. Eh what can ya do?



All better



Well hopefully I will have it running by next week.

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