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Housing Prices In Boston, MA Area


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Holy yikes, Batman.


Soo.....In Portland, Oregon, considering a move...somewhere. Got the invite out to the East Coast for a few interviews in and around Boston...looking into housing prices and completely scared out of my mind.


Probably not going to buy...


Seeing lots of $1,500/$2,000/$2,500 for 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS...




What about some garage space for the Z?


Anyone have any housing find tips or know any specific areas in Boston I should be looking at affordable housing? Job to get us there would be paying in the 50-60k region, not sure what our dual income would look like after that, but we'd have to be fairly conservative to start.


I really want to fly out for the interviews but I feel like there's no way I could swing it unless offered $80-100K/year - which is unlikely.


Then of course there is the Z transport from Portland to Boston...and at that point it might make more sense to sell my project here and start over...


Anyway, Boston locals. Hit me up with some info. Thanks.

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