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Surge tank placement


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Ok, I am in the process of installing my fuel system. Well, I should say, in the process of installing the surge tank as that is what determines the rest of the system. I have read in the 2006 NHRA book that I have that I can have it anywhere in the car I want as long as there is xx" thick barrier between the tank and the driver. Does this mean that I can bolt it in the hatch area and then build a box to go around it that is xx" thick? The only other place I can put it, would be the engine bay. I am not a big fan of that since there is so much heat. Not to mention the fact that my return line would be so short and the fuel would not have ample time to cool down before going back into the surge tank. Then it will just be hot and have to go through the pump which will heat it up again.


I can run a cool can, but that puts me in a different class. Anyways, where do you guys have your surge tanks mounted? Mine is not small enough to put under the car anywhere just so you know. It is a 1 gallon tank. I would like it as close to the injectors as possible so the big pump doesn't have to work as hard to supply the injectors.


Anyways, enough rambling, what are your thoughts? Did the rules change since 2006? I cant find anything on it on the web.


here is the surge tank.




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What Z are you working with?

Your signature shows a Z31.


Is there any room to mount in front of the radiator core support?

It would be about as close to the injectors as you could get it but not really in the engine bay.




Funny, right as I was coming to check on this, I realized I didn't even mention that it was a z31:ugg:


Do you mean down below like under the radiator? Or under the hood latch brace? I have to keep it accessible because of the filler cap. While at the track, I block off the small supplying pump and fill the surge tank with race gas. This keeps my street gas and race gas completely separated.


I cant put it under the hood latch brace due to the big radiator and the fan that sits on top of it. Not much room now.


I guess I am torn between hatch area and engine bay. Hatch area means more line for the fuel to be pumped through AND I have to build a box around it that can be removed to get to the filler cap, but in the engine bay means the fuel will just sit there and soak up heat. Grrrrrrr.

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