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Need a proper Clutch


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Hello Fellow Zr's,


Once again I need your expertiZe in this matter. TEP sold me a Clutch Net 6 pedal clutch. Needless to say the other day I saw what damage it did to my lighten flywheel. I then found out that it should have never been sold to me in the first place! I would like some input as to what some of you may be currently using and for how long...

Also, have you heard of Stepping the flywheel?




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Hey Donna, sorry to hear about your problems... I can't offer much advice beyond my own experience... I've head a Centerforce Dual Friction in my car for about a month now. In all the times I've sat in the car making engine noises and double clutching, it hasn't slipped once! icon_rolleyes.gif


I believe Tim said that the CFDF was rated for around 250lb ft of torque... are you much above that?

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when i out turbo engine in my 77 i was on a budget so i got a new 240mm daiken kit from one of those 1 day clutch places for $130.the only time i have had a problem with it is when i side stepped at sac raceway at 5000 rpm-it slipped and overheated about 60ft out .when it cooled off it worked again and i still havent changed it even with about 15 days of laguna/sears point/thunderhill drivers schools-unless you are a real animal a good stock(daiken-the oem builder for datsun) clutch is probably all most people need.avoid that rebuilt stuff though.

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