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External or Internal Wastegate- Cost or Simplicity

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Hey I got a great deal on this SS downpipe for the stock t3. Its made to bolt up to the stock turbo with the wastegate housing removed. As of now Id just have to find an external wastegate, which I could pick up for around $120-150 locally used.




My other option is to just use the stock internal wastegate. I have all the parts needed and ready to go.


My question is should I stay with the external and the above downpipe or just use the stock internal wastegate. From my research Ive found the above setup will start to cause boost creap at higher boost because of the size of the opening on the turbo. My motor will only be running around 12 psi, and if I ever wanted to go higher Id move to a different turbo (different downpipe). Im assuming 12 psi wont be to high of boost for this to be efficient, but is it worth the money (cost of wastegate) to have a externally wastegated system?


So ultimately, I have the money to get a external wastegate but it would just mean it will take a bit longer to get the motor in the car. Is sit worth it, or should I just sell the downpipe and make a few bucks?



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Another concern was at what point would the this style external be inefficient? Down the road if I was to increase the boost over 12 Id probably upgrade to the t3/t4 so I could still use this setup (same exhaust housing) but have a bit more efficient intake side for higher boost. Does that sound reasonable?


Heres the wastegate I was looking at, I havent got an email back yet.



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Can anyne else help with this. If the external wastegate will be easier to maintain and use at 12psi Ill go ahead and spend the money, but if its going to be a hassle Id rather just go with all the internal wastegate parts I have.




I have thorough experience with both internal and external WG's. An internal wastegate can be improved greatly over stock but I've yet to see one that worked as well as a properly sized external wastegate. Your new DP looks like it does away with the internal wastegate and bolts directly to the turbine. It also look like you just need to weld some WG flanges to accommodate an external WG. I have gone the exact same route as you and have had the best success with my current setup which is nearly identical to your new DP but with an external WG. Hope this helps.

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Guest znow white

that downpipe looks familiar


get the external wastegate why keep internal and only 3 bolts will attach plus your going that route in the future and it sound hella sik with the screamer pipe goodluck you should recieve it monday/tuesdayish again sorry bout the delay homeslice

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