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Unknown Ignition Problem

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On my L28ET swap on my 240z, I'm using MSnS with the MSD box and the 82-83 dizzy. For some strange reason I am unable to get spark anymore, not anywhere along the line.


I tested my coil and my MSD box and both are in working condition. I figured it might be my distributor, I borrowed a working dizzy and hooked it up, no dice.


The weird thing about this situation is that the only time I'm able to get any spark is from the coil to the wire going to the dizzy is unplugged and held to a ground, BUT only under one circumstance. It will only spark ONCE when the key is initially put into the on position. After that, no sparks at all.


Has anyone heard, experienced or has any idea why I am only able to get a spark at when putting the key into the on position and at no other time?


It is important to note that not long ago (within the past two weeks) I was able to get the car to start and run. Then a couple days later I tried to start it and it wasn't idling very well and it would die out on me. I thought it was because of fouled up plugs. Changed those out and same result, no start.


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for any information and or insight into my current situation.

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Check your clean power and ground to the msd box a pore conection can cause this. one way Ive found to check for this tap the triger wire and see if your msd clicks this may not be your issue but it seams to be the most comin problem with msd cd boxes Ihave worked on

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