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Noob needs basic Wolf V500 help


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Hey guys. You probably remember ktm installed Wolf V500 in my 77. We gave it a rough tune, I drove back to Calgary and the car has been in the shop ever since waiting for the head, etc. Well, head etc. is now installed and tomorrow or Monday should fire it up. Bo sent me his map, since we have same size injectors. However, I have ported head, Isky cam and Lonewolf ported intake, so Bo suggested I enrich his map 10% across the board to begin with.


Since Bo isn't answering the bat signal today, got a couple of questions for you guys. BTW, the ECU didn't come with a manual. I downloaded a bunch of files and videos from the Wolf EMS site, but they don't have what I'm looking for. These are really basic questions, so be gentle:


1) How to richen the map 10%? I know I could increase each one of the values by 10%, but apparently there is a trim adjustment that will let me do the entire map by x percentage?

2) How to richen the cold start? Bo's map is tuned for sunny SoCal, while I'm in not so sunny or warm Calgary. Under Starting Fuel Rate Engine Temp, the injectors are set for 6.00 ms. Is this where I can increase the injector pulse width for better cold starting? What would you suggest for settings more suited to chilly (and soon to be cold) climates?


Thanks in advance guys! I'll probably have more questions in short order....



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Mark, calling you now.....pick up the damn phone. :)


The trim I was referring to in our earlier conversations can be found at


Fuel - Fuel Modifiers - Trims


You will see a slew of radio buttons. In the upper right hand corner you will see an Overall Fuel Trim. Just click on the knob and rotate to 10%, or you can find the same trim in the table at the bottom and manually type in 10%.


The initial start settings are fine at 6 ms. Wolf will automatically compensate for colder temperatures using the Engine and Air Temperature tables. You may want to modify the post-start enrichment settings though.

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