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Megatune/TunerStudio freezing


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Hey guys, megatune had been working flawlessly for a few weeks, I was able to take hour-long logs on my way to work and back, but now it won't run for more than a few minutes at a time before freezing. I tried Tunerstudio and the same thing is happening. I'm able to unplug the USB cable (serial-USB converter from DIY) and everything unfreezes, and I can usually plug it back in and it will work for a few more minutes. Any ideas? this is really frustrating. To my knowledge, nothing has changed from when it worked right, and everything is set to the same COM # and baud rate. I tried lowering the data rate with no success.





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How exactly is the USB cable set up? I have seen one weird case where attaching the USB adapter to the Megasquirt directly had issues with EMI from the Megasquirt and made the adapter flake out - putting a straight through DB9 cable between the adapter and MS fixed this. More commonly, I've seen the USB adapter plugged in without its extension causing the adapter to wiggle around in the socket and come unplugged briefly, which also causes the tuning program to freeze.

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