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4:11 Stub Shafts Problems.....Please help !!!

Guest stonehenge69

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Guest stonehenge69

I'm having problems installing the Z R200 stub shafts into an 85 200SX R200 4:11, (this is going into one of my 77's). I have researched this subject extensively and have yet to find a clear answer. It appears that the SX R200 is set up for the longer shaft to be installed on the drivers side. It also has a "thrust block" in the center of the cluster gears which prohibit the stub shafts from seating properly. I tried swapping the shafts, (putting the longer one in the drivers side), and it did seem to fit, however, one or both of the shafts are still pressed against the thrust block causing metal to metal grinding, (mainly on deceleration). The following is a list of options as I see it.......... 1). Have a machine shop grind down the shafts so they clear the thrust block, (what would be the correct clearance?) ......... 2). Removing the "thrust block" altogether, is this advisable? ...........3). Using the original CV's, (modified to fit), from the SX, which I do not have. I do however, have plenty of Z CV shafts from various year models. I'm aware that this would be the preferred option for high HP applications, but with this particular car it's not an issue, (I'm probably still under 200 HP) I would like to here from those of you that have done this swap, and any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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There was another member who posted several months ago about a similar problem that he had with axles and diffs. A search of the drivetrain forum may help you.


I currently have an 85 200SXturbo 4.11 R200 in my car with the 280ZXturbo CV shafts. The CV shaft should be identical to the 280 Ujoint shafts where they go into the diff. I have installed and removed my shafts a few times for maintenence or whatever and they've always popped out and back in just fine. I have the driver's shaft installed on the driver's side.

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Guest stonehenge69

Jeromio, I have searched every forum on the net regarding this issue. There seems to be two different outcomes when it comes to this swap. 1.) Everything just fell into place and it works great, or second, they ran into the same problem that I have and still don't have it resolved. It makes me wonder if, perhaps, not all of the SX diffs have the thrust block. It is physically impossible to use the longer passenger side shaft on the passenger side with the unit that I have, (without some modifications). Not only have I tried it, I have also measured the distance between the thrust block and the outer edge of the diff and the drivers side is close to 1/4" deeper. Any suggestions???

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Here's one of the threads (man it was hard to find - didn't show up from any obvious search terms :( . Luckily I remembered putting pics up for the thread and ended up using that URL as a search term):




Stony adds a key piece of info that may be your problem:


hmm maybe your having the same problem i had ... pull both driveshafts and see if you can see though it to the other side. if you cant you may have to remove the little aluminum plug thats inside. i had to.... once i did that the shaft slid right in and locked in place!!!!depending on what car the diff came out of depends on if it has spacer in it or not. i bought 13 lsd diffs once and about half of them had teh spacers in them
Here's another thread:



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Guest stonehenge69

Thanks for the threads, but I already had those memorized. It will be a few days, but I think I'll go ahead and drive the pin out of the cluster gears and remove the thrust block, then reinsert the pin. I'm not sure what purpose it serves in the first place. I'll let you know how it turns out. Thanks again

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